In my code I want to replace the effect of delay() with millis or any other method that allows the use of button inputs while the code still runs. I am making an obstacle-type game where the player has to dodge incoming LEDs.
int LEDrows[4][4] = {{9, 8, 7, 6}, {5, 4, 3, 2}};
int Button = 1;
int ButtonCheck = 0;
int playerPosition = 0;
void setup()
pinMode(Button, INPUT);
for(int p=0; p>=1; p++){
for(int b=0; b>=3; b++){
pinMode(LEDrows[p][b], OUTPUT);
void loop()
ButtonCheck = digitalRead(Button);
if(ButtonCheck != 0){
playerPosition += 1;
if (playerPosition == 1){
digitalWrite(LEDrows[0][3], HIGH);
digitalWrite(LEDrows[1][3], LOW);
if (playerPosition > 1){
playerPosition = 0;
digitalWrite(LEDrows[1][3], HIGH);
digitalWrite(LEDrows[0][3], LOW);
int i = random(0, 2);
for (int j = 0; j <= 3; j++) {
digitalWrite(LEDrows[i][j], HIGH);
digitalWrite(LEDrows[i][j], LOW);
I have two rows of 4 LEDS, stored in a nested list which i am iterating through. The LEDs will light up in a random row. I want to make the LED light up, wait 250ms, then make it disappear again, and wait 250ms. If this delay()-like effect can be achieved without using the delay function, then i would be pleased to learn how to do so.
Use static variables to retain state and timestamps of the events you want to be periodic. For example, the following will set an LED in a random column on row zero, and every 250ms will move it to the next row until after reaching row 3, it will restart at a new random column.
static int j = 0 ;
static int i = 0 ;
// When j == 0, set initial LED
if( j == 0 )
i = random(0, 2);
digitalWrite(LEDrows[i][j], HIGH ) ;
// Get current millisecond tick
unsigned long now = millis() ;
// Every 250ms move the LED
static unsigned long led_timestamp = millis() ;
if( now - led_timestamp > 250 )
led_timestamp = now ;
digitalWrite(LEDrows[i][j], LOW ) ;
j++ ;
if( j > 3 )
j = 0 ;
digitalWrite(LEDrows[i][j], HIGH ) ;
The general pattern is:
static unsigned long timestamp = millis() ;
unsigned long now = millis() ;
if( now - timestamp > PERIOD_MS )
timestamp = now ;
// do something every PERIOD_MS here
With multiple timestamp
variables you can perform tasks at various independent intervals.