I have a Spreadsheet that Lists total items by specific people...
I am trying to set up a system where you can select certain people (by using checkboxes), and it lists the total number of items for the selected people....
Which Outputs:
I currently have it set up so that the people that you mark the checkbox for get put in a vertical column.... (I tried this to help with different formula parameters, but don't know if I really need to)
From what I can tell =DSUM
is closest to what I am trying to do, but I don't now the proper syntax for what I am trying, or if I should restructure my data to work better with this formula.
=SUMIF($B$2:$F$2, TRUE, B3:F3)
- location of the checkboxes
- will include in the sum if checkbox is ticked
- range of the specific item
Or when using the transposed data:
=sumif($B$2:$B, TRUE, C2:C)
- location of the checkboxes
- will include in the sum if checkbox is ticked
- range of the specific item