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Is it mandatory jre/jdk required to install installer created from install4j? if yes then is it possible to reduce size upto 10mb

Is it mandatory jre/jdk required to install installer created from install4j? if yes then it is possible to reduce jre size less than 10mb?

Actually, I want to use install4j for the installer and packager for my product but product is in golang so that will not require JRE but only for install4j I need to bundle JRE so it's adding about 45-50mb size to my package. is it reducible up to 10mb(total size of only jre <= 10mb) so I can go ahead with install4j?


  • It is not mandatory to bundle a JRE, install4j can detect installed JREs. However, it is recommended to bundle a JRE to ensure that the installer and the launchers will work.

    The smallest JRE bundles can be obtained with a Java 11 JRE, setting the module set to "Minimum" on the "General Settings->JRE bundles step".