I need to insert a new element inside multiple nodes into an input XML document. Then, I need to update and retrieve the updated XML document.
I'm using Anypoint Studio, and since the xquery Transformation module supports XQuery 3.0, I figured that I can use the insert-before function, and since the element must be inserted in multiple nodes, I need to use a for loop to cycle through the multiple matches.
I'm new to xQuery so I apologize in advance for any beginner-type errors.
Here's a sample of the XML document I need to transform:
I need to insert the tag Name in position 1 of every Item node. Something like this:
I tried many queries, but got syntax errors every time, due to my poor knowledge of XQuery. For example, I tried this query:
xquery version "3.0";
declare copy-namespaces no-preserve, inherit;
declare variable $document external;
declare variable $items := $document/Catalog/Item;
for $item in $items
<Name>{ }</Name>
{ $item/Property1 }
{ $item/Property2 }
{ $item/Property3 }
...but the resulting XML document (an array of string using the xquery transformation module in anypoint Studio) doesn't contain the root node.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I don't have Mulesoft and its Anypoint Studio.
I am using BaseX v.9.5.1
declare context item := document {
let $new := <newElement>somevalue</newElement>
for $x in ./Catalog/Item
return <Item>
{$new, $x/*}