Hi I am using RGraph in Angular 7 application. in the y axis i am showing names. instead of showing in one line i want to show in multiple lines. yaxisLabelsAngle: 25 is not working.
From the 3D style it looks like you have an older set of libraries so you may well need to update to the latest version (v6.00, which I just released this past weekend).
You can add newlines in your labels by using \n like this example shows.
Here's a codepen of an example 3D HBar chart:
For which the code is:
new RGraph.HBar({
data: [[8,2],[6,4], [2, 5]],
options: {
grouping: 'stacked',
marginInner: 10,
variant: '3d',
xaxis: false,
yaxis: false,
yaxisLabels: ['Richard\nDawkins', 'Neil de-Grasse\nTyson','Bill\nNye'],
yaxisTitle: 'The Y axis title',
xaxisTitle: 'The X axis title',
colors: ['purple', 'gold'],
key: ['A purple bar','A gold bar'],
keyPosition: 'margin',
keyPositionY: 15 // Might need to remove this