I'm looking for a stored procedure to compare row by row in a table. For example, I have a table
id | fruit | farmer | plant_time | status
1 | banana | John | 2021-02-02 18:00:01 | true
2 | apple | Steve | 2021-02-02 18:00:30 | true <<<<
3 | apple | Steve | 2021-02-02 18:01:10 | true <<<< flag to false
4 | orange | Steve | 2021-02-02 18:01:50 | true
I want to find out same fruit same farmer and the difference between plant_time not more than one minute and flag the status to false.
Thanks in advance
I want to find out same fruit same farmer and the difference between plant_time not more than one minute and flag the status to false.
In any supported version of SQL Server, you can use lag()
or lead()
. As you have expressed the problem:
select t.*,
(case when lead(planttime) over (partition by farmer order by planntime) < dateadd(minute, 1, planttime)
then 'false' else 'true'
end) as status
from t;
If you want to update the value, you can use an updatable CTE:
with toupdate as (
select t.*,
(case when lead(planttime) over (partition by farmer order by planntime) < dateadd(minute, 1, planttime)
then 'false' else 'true'
end) as new_status
from t
update toupdate
set status = new_status
where status is null or status <> new_status;
Note you can do this in SQL Server 2008 using apply
or a correlated subquery. However, I suspect you are not using unsupported commercial software.
Second, often it is the first in such a sequence that would be flagged rather than the last one. In that case, you would use lag()
instead of lead()
(and adjust the time comparison).