I'm trying to join religions and citizen tables inside the CitizenModel. The problem is the from statement always includes the table citizen.
Here's the sample Model script:
namespace App\Models;
use CodeIgniter\Model;
class CitizenModel extends Model
protected $table = 'citizen';
protected $primaryKey = 'CitizenID';
protected $allowedFields = [
public function getCitizen()
$this->select('a.*, b.Name as Religion');
$this->from("citizen a");
$this->join('religions b', 'b.ReligionId = a.ReligionId', 'LEFT');
$result = $this->findAll();
echo $this->db->getLastQuery();
return $result;
Here is the lastQuery result:
SELECT `a`.*, `b`.`Name` as `Religion`
FROM (`citizen`, `citizen` `a`)
LEFT JOIN `religions` `b` ON `b`.`ReligionId` = `a`.`ReligionId`
I tested the query in sqlyog but query result for
FROM (`citizen`, `citizen` `a`)
is different from
FROM (`citizen` `a`)
Unless I added the DISTINCT in the select.
I think this happens because you're actually setting two selects. One in the $table property and one in your $this->from method.
What I would try to do in this case was remove the $this->from and re-write the $table property. Something like this:
public function getCitizen()
$this->select('a.*, b.Name as Religion');
$this->table("citizen a");
$this->join('religions b', 'b.ReligionId = a.ReligionId', 'LEFT');
$result = $this->findAll();
echo $this->db->getLastQuery();
return $result;
If that does not work you might want to use a different database instance for that query instead of the one being use by the model. Using the query builder.
public function getCitizen() {
$db = \Config\Database::connect();
$builder = $db->table('citizen a');
$builder->select('a.*, b.Name as Religion');
$builder->join('religions b', 'b.ReligionId = a.ReligionId', 'LEFT');
$result = $builder->get()->getResult();