I'm struggling trying to make a GetxController
work with a SliverList
. In particular, my controller returns the view state with StateMixin
from Getx library.
class ItinerariesByCreatorPageController extends GetxController
with StateMixin<Pair<Creator, List<Itinerary>>> {
final ItinerariesInteractor _interactor;
void getCreatorPage(String creatorSlug, String language) {
.getItinerariesByCreatorSlug(creatorSlug, language)
.then((value) => change(value, status: RxStatus.success()))
.onError<String>((error, stackTrace) =>
change(null, status: RxStatus.error(error.toString())));
On the view side, I'm using obx
extension to observe the controller state and a SliverList
to display data. Unfortunately, SliverList
delegate SliverChildBuilderDelegate
needs to provide list childCount
in its constructor, but the child count comes asynchronously from the controller and I can't find a way on the Getx documentation to return the child count in a reactive way. Is there any way to make SliverList
and Getx
work together?
Widget _getItinerariesList() {
return SliverList(
delegate: SliverChildBuilderDelegate(
(context, index) => _controller.obx((data) {
if (index == 0) {
return CreatorInfoWidget(
creator: data.first,
imageWidget: CreatorImageWidget(
imageUrl: data.first.avatars.first,
} else if (index == 1) {
return MainItineraryWidget(
creator: data.first, itinerary: data.second[index - 1]);
} else {
return SecondaryItineraryWidget(
creator: data.first, itinerary: data.second[index - 1]);
childCount: 5 // use a dynamic child count here, coming from the controller));
You can move up controller.obx
above the SliverList
Widget _getItinerariesList() {
return _controller.obx((data) {
return SliverList(
delegate: SliverChildBuilderDelegate(
(context, index){
if (index == 0) {
return CreatorInfoWidget(
creator: data.first,
imageWidget: CreatorImageWidget(
imageUrl: data.first.avatars.first,
} else if (index == 1) {
return MainItineraryWidget(
creator: data.first, itinerary: data.second[index - 1]);
} else {
return SecondaryItineraryWidget(
creator: data.first, itinerary: data.second[index - 1]);
childCount: data.yourCountVariable // use a dynamic child count here, coming from the controller));