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MUI - Open datepicker when clicking anywhere in the TextField

I have a date picker that I want to show when the users click anywhere in the field not just on the calendar icon.

Here's the picker

enter image description here

export function DatePickerField(props) {

  return (
      <Grid container>
          <MuiPickersUtilsProvider utils={DateFnsUtils}>
                  invalidDateMessage={isError && error}
                  helperText={isError && error}

I need to do this because if date entered manually, it throws no errors but I get invalid date in the form data.

How can show the picker when the field is clicked?


  • MUI v5 added the DatePicker component in the @mui/lab package. If you want a picker to be opened after when the user clicked inside the TextField, use MobileDatePicker, this doesn't have the calendar icon though, see this answer if you want to have one.

      renderInput={(params) => <TextField {...params} />}

    The DesktopDatePicker however does have the calendar icon, but you have to write additional code to control the open state and tell the picker to open when TextField is clicked:

      onOpen={() => setOpen(true)}
      onClose={() => setOpen(false)}
      renderInput={(params) => {
        return (
            onClick={(e) => setOpen(true)}

    Codesandbox Demo

    Original Answer

    You can control the KeyboardDatePicker's open state and set it to true when the TextField is clicked:

    const [open, setOpen] = useState(false);
    return (
        onOpen={() => setOpen(true)}
        onClose={() => setOpen(false)}
        TextFieldComponent={(props) => (
          <TextField {...props} onClick={(e) => setOpen(true)} />

    Live Demo

    Edit 67053310/material-ui-datepicker