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How to use async await in python falcon?

I am looking for example of using async await features of python 3. I am using falcon framework for building rest api. Can't figure out how to use async await with it.

Help me, by providing some examples, maybe with other frameworks.


  • Update: as of Falcon 3.0, the framework supports async / await via the ASGI protocol.

    In order to write async Falcon code, you need to use the ASGI flavour of App, for instance:

    import http
    import falcon
    import falcon.asgi
    class MessageResource:
        def __init__(self):
            self._message = 'Hello, World!'
        async def on_get(self, req, resp):
   = {'message': self._message}
        async def on_put(self, req, resp):
            media = await req.get_media()
            message = media.get('message')
            if not message:
                raise falcon.HTTPBadRequest
            self._message = message
            resp.status = http.HTTPStatus.NO_CONTENT
    app = falcon.asgi.App()
    app.add_route('/message', MessageResource())

    Assuming the above snippet is saved as, the ASGI application can be run as

    uvicorn test:app

    Setting and retrieving the message with HTTPie:

    $ http PUT http://localhost:8000/message message=StackOverflow
    HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
    server: uvicorn
    $ http http://localhost:8000/message 
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    content-length: 28
    content-type: application/json
    server: uvicorn
        "message": "StackOverflow"

    Note that when using the ASGI flavour of Falcon, all responders, hooks, middleware methods, error handlers etc must be awaitable coroutine functions, as the framework does not perform any implicit wrapping or scheduling in an executor.

    See also Falcon's ASGI tutorial.