I'ld enquire multiple xml with Basex (file1.xml, file2.xml,....) downloaded from https://www.rna.gov.it/RegistroNazionaleTrasparenza/faces/pages/OpenDataAiuti.jspx but I'm not able to write the query on single file because it starts with
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<LISTA_AIUTI xmlns="http://www.rna.it/RNA_aiuto/schema">
Merging is harder form me!I'm a newsbie but I want to learn Xquery!! If I cancel the xmlns row it works If I upload files in Mysql DB I can but it's not fast solution How can I do?
As Martin Honnen pointed out, you need to add default namespace declaration line at the top:
declare default element namespace "http://www.rna.it/RNA_aiuto/schema";