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Python Flask API : The requested URL was not found on the server. If you entered the URL manually please check your spelling and try again

from flask import Flask, jsonify, request

app = Flask(__name__)
tasks = [
        "title":"You buy groceries",
        "description":"Milk, Cheeses, Pizza",
        "title":"Learn Python",
        "description":"The most important language in the world",

@app.route('/add-data', methods = ['POST'])

def add_data():
    if not request.json:
        return jsonify({
            "message":"Please provide the data"
    task = {        
    return jsonify({
        "message":"Task added successfully!"


def get_task():
    return jsonify({

if __name__ == "__main__":

I am just a beginner in this api creating with python and I was trying to create an api to get the data and to post data.

But when I run the code, it gives me the error :

The screenshot of the error

Let me know if there is some error in the code or problem of the virtual environment. Would be very much grateful if the solution is also given.


  • try ""

    • it pretty much serves your data. enter image description here

    you do not have an auto route to the get-method yet.