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Trying to fetch 5 messages and then react to them - discord.js

I am trying to get 5 previous messages from a channel and then react to them with discord.js => {
            channel.messages.fetch({limit : 5}).then(message => {

The error I am getting: UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: TypeError: Cannot read property 'messages' of undefined


  • You have two issues within your code (One of them that some seemed to ignore here).

    Your first error comes within the following line, stating: => {

    The Channel#messages#fetch() method does not return a Channel object, but a message object. Since you're trying to fetch messages from a channel object, you should be fetching a channel rather than a message. Try replacing your line with the following:

    client.channels.fetch(channelID).then(channel => { ... }

    The second issue is that when you're fetching more than one message in Discord.js, the method returns a collection of objects rather than an object. Unlike a regular single message object, a collection of message objects does not have a react() method property, and it should be split using the forEach() iterator to add the reactions separately between each message, as seen below:

    client.channels.fetch(channelID).then(channel => {
      channel.messages.fetch({ limit: 5 }).then(messages => {
        messages.forEach(async message => {
          await message.react('✅') // It is recommended to await a reaction method before going on to the next one.