This my custom logout endpoint:
public async Task<IActionResult> LogoutAsync()
await _interaction.RevokeTokensForCurrentSessionAsync();
await HttpContext.SignOutAsync();
return Ok();
It removes IdentityServer cookies but if a user at this time has a refresh_token he still can use it after logout. How to revoke all related refresh tokens? I tried using IIdentityServerInteractionService.RevokeTokensForCurrentSessionAsync
but it doesn't work like expected.
Is your client a SPA? If yes, delete the refresh_token from localstorage on logout action.
Also, you can make a POST request to this endpoint inside your custom logout function using HttpClient:
Alternatively, you can use events to revoke refreshtoken on signout like this.
.AddCookie("cookie", options =>
options.Cookie.Name = "mvccode";
options.Events.OnSigningOut = async e =>
// revoke refresh token on sign-out
await e.HttpContext.RevokeUserRefreshTokenAsync();
Link to the documentation - here.