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How do I serve firebase functions from a custom domain?

I have a website that I'm already running on firebase hosting using a google domain. I would like to now show all calls to my firebase function being made through a url such as, instead of the default firebase domain. How is it that I may be able to do this?

I read the firebase tutorial on hosting cloud functions, and I also came across this article on creating multiple sites. So could someone please tell how is it that I can set up the workflow such that my site is still running at, but my APIs are now being called through What would be the target name for

If possible, I Would like all requests to be shown as requests to, and not to - so that what endpoint is being hit is also hidden from public

Sorry, I am new to this.


  • Let's say your main project has an ID of example-app. To serve requests as, you would have to use a Cloud Function that makes use of express (or some other similar route handler).

    1. Create the secondary site for your project using the Firebase CLI, (with an id of example-app-api, example-api, etc.)
    firebase hosting:sites:create example-app-api
    1. Connect your hosting targets to your resources
    firebase target:apply hosting app example-app
    firebase target:apply hosting api example-app-api
    1. Modify your firebase.json file (located at the root of the firebase project) to suit the targets above.
      "hosting": [
          // app is linked to example-app, served as
          "target": "app",
          // contents of this folder are deployed to the site "example-app"
          "public": "public",
          // ... other settings ...
          // api is linked to example-app-api, served as
          "target": "api",
          // Contents of this folder are deployed to the site "example-app-api"
          // Any file here will be returned instead of calling your Cloud Function.
          // Recommended contents:
          //   - favicon.ico        (website icon for bookmarks, links, etc)
          //   - robots.txt         (instructions for bots and scrapers)
          // Optional contents:
          //   - service-worker.js  (empty file, used to prevent triggering cloud function)
          //   - humans.txt         (details about who you/your company are & how to report bugs)
          "public": "api-static-resources",  
          // ... other settings ...
          "rewrites": [
              // redirect all calls to the function called "api"
              "source": "**",
              "function": "api"
    1. Deploy the api hosting config using the Firebase CLI
    firebase deploy --only hosting:api
    1. Open Hosting Settings for your project, click "View" for example-app-api then click "Custom Domain" following these instructions.

    2. You should now be able to trigger your Cloud Function by calling it at