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How to handle File Associations from Application?

I know Installers can setup File Associations for your Application during the installation process, so if you have your own File types that open with your Application, it will be setup to do that, and also the associated File will have its own icon in Windows what you define.

Anyway, I would like to be able to Set/Remove the File types my Application will use, directly from the preferences form in my Application.

What methods are needed to do this, I am thinking along the lines of the Registry, but then what Keys/Values etc are we to work with, if Registry is the way to go?

Appreciate some advice and tips, It is also important that it works on XP/Vista/7.

Thanks in Advance.


  • try this unit to associate a certain extension to an exe remove the entries made in registry to unregister.

    unit utils; 
    uses Registry, ShlObj, SysUtils, Windows; 
    procedure RegisterFileType(cMyExt, cMyFileType, cMyDescription, ExeName: string; IcoIndex: integer; DoUpdate: boolean = false); 
    procedure RegisterFileType(cMyExt, cMyFileType, cMyDescription, ExeName: string; IcoIndex: integer; DoUpdate: boolean = false); 
       Reg: TRegistry; 
      Reg := TRegistry.Create; 
        Reg.RootKey := HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT; 
        Reg.OpenKey(cMyExt, True); 
        // Write my file type to it. 
        // This adds HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.abc\(Default) = 'Project1.FileType' 
        Reg.WriteString('', cMyFileType); 
        // Now create an association for that file type 
        Reg.OpenKey(cMyFileType, True); 
        // This adds HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Project1.FileType\(Default) 
        //   = 'Project1 File' 
        // This is what you see in the file type description for 
        // the a file's properties. 
        Reg.WriteString('', cMyDescription); 
        Reg.CloseKey;    // Now write the default icon for my file type 
        // This adds HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Project1.FileType\DefaultIcon 
        //  \(Default) = 'Application Dir\Project1.exe,0' 
        Reg.OpenKey(cMyFileType + '\DefaultIcon', True); 
        Reg.WriteString('', ExeName + ',' + IntToStr(IcoIndex)); 
        // Now write the open action in explorer 
        Reg.OpenKey(cMyFileType + '\Shell\Open', True); 
        Reg.WriteString('', '&Open'); 
        // Write what application to open it with 
        // This adds HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Project1.FileType\Shell\Open\Command 
        //  (Default) = '"Application Dir\Project1.exe" "%1"' 
        // Your application must scan the command line parameters 
        // to see what file was passed to it. 
        Reg.OpenKey(cMyFileType + '\Shell\Open\Command', True); 
        Reg.WriteString('', '"' + ExeName + '" "%1"'); 
        // Finally, we want the Windows Explorer to realize we added 
        // our file type by using the SHChangeNotify API. 
        if DoUpdate then SHChangeNotify(SHCNE_ASSOCCHANGED, SHCNF_IDLIST, nil, nil); 

    Registry is defenetly the way to go with things...