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Codeigniter 4 Soft Delete Still Deleting DB Record

I have a problem with CodeIgniter 4 Soft Delete. I've set $useSoftDelete = true in the model; but whenever i delete a record, the delete method always purge it from my table.

Here is the code in my model :

    // Dates
protected $useTimestamps        = true;
protected $useSoftDelete        = true;
protected $dateFormat           = 'datetime';
protected $createdField         = 'cust_created_at';
protected $updatedField         = 'cust_updated_at';
protected $deletedField         = 'cust_deleted_at';

Here is my delete method in my controller :

public function delete($id = '')
    $customer = $this->customerModel->find($id);
    if (isset($customer)) {
        session()->setFlashdata('success', "Customer $customer->cust_name successfully deleted.");
        return redirect()->to(site_url('customer'));
    } else {
        session()->setFlashdata('errors', ["Cannot find customer ID $id."]);
        return redirect()->to(site_url('customer'));

Any code I missed? Thank you in advance.


  • Typo in
    protected $useSoftDelete = true;.
    it should be
    protected $useSoftDeletes = true;
