Search code examples

Get a specific row from specific table with JavaScript?

Say my dynamic HTML looks something like this:

<table id="DanishCompanies">
  <tr id="19"><td>Company A</td><td>80</td><td>1980</td></tr>
  <tr id="17"><td>Company B</td><td>12</td><td>1910</td></tr>
  <tr id="26"><td>Company C</td><td>5000</td><td>2015</td></tr>
<table id="SwedishCompanies">
  <tr id="10"><td>Company D</td><td>500</td><td>1950</td></tr>
  <tr id="12"><td>Company E</td><td>900</td><td>1990</td></tr>
  <tr id="17"><td>Company F</td><td>90</td><td>2010</td></tr>
<table id="NorwegianCompanies">
  <tr id="17"><td>Company G</td><td>105</td><td>1970</td></tr>
  <tr id="18"><td>Company H</td><td>100</td><td>1980</td></tr>
  <tr id="19"><td>Company I</td><td>45</td><td>2000</td></tr>

Each tr has an ID, but ID only relatively unique to the table, as other tables might have the ID, and the number of rows might vary.

How would I obtain the founding year (column 2) of a Swedish company with an id of 17?

I would imagine you would do it like this but I fail to find the correct code.

var table = document.getElementById("SwedishCompanies");
var row_index = ??? //should return 2
return table[row_index].cells[2].innerHTML;

I can't use getElementById just to get id "17", because I would risk getting Danish or Norwegian's company because the order of these tables is random.


  • you're just not using the right selector,

    #DanishCompanies tr[id="17"]

    will get you the tr with id 17 that's a child of DanishCompanies :

    const row = document.querySelector('#DanishCompanies tr[id="17"]');
    const year = row.cells[2].innerHTML;
    <table id="DanishCompanies">
      <tr id="19">
        <td>Company A</td>
      <tr id="17">
        <td>Company B</td>
      <tr id="26">
        <td>Company C</td>
    <table id="SwedishCompanies">
      <tr id="10">
        <td>Company D</td>
      <tr id="12">
        <td>Company E</td>
      <tr id="17">
        <td>Company F</td>
    <table id="NorwegianCompanies">
      <tr id="17">
        <td>Company G</td>
      <tr id="18">
        <td>Company H</td>
      <tr id="19">
        <td>Company I</td>