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Pyomo Battery Optimization ValueError: No value for uninitialized NumericValue object

I am writing an optimization for the operation of a battery with a solar pv panel in a domestic home using Pyomo and using the glpk solver. When there is not excess solar the optimisation works perfectly but when there is too much solar I get an uninitialized error. Here's my code:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pyomo.environ import *
from pulp import *

power = pd.read_csv('Battery 2 Hourly Power flow for the month with time.csv')
solar_forecast = list(power['Solar_(W)'])
demand = list(power['Household_(W)']*(-1.0))
power['Time'] = np.arange(720)

Here is a sample of the data:

Hour     Grid_(W)    Household_(W)  Solar_(W)   Storage_(W)  Time
00:00    392.095000  -379.960833    0.0         -12.134167   0
01:00    205.441667  -193.115833    0.0         -12.325000   1
02:00    142.570000  -130.807500    0.0         -11.763333   2
03:00    96.456667   -84.829167     0.0         -11.632500   3
04:00    100.940833  -89.330833     0.0         -11.610833   4
05:00    132.357500  -120.559167    0.0         -11.797500   5
06:00    182.733333  -171.605833    0.000000    -11.126667   6
07:00    96.900833   -127.610000    42.106667   -11.397500  7
08:00    35.052500   -228.003333    304.839167  -111.890000 8
09:00    1.385833    -308.922500    489.586667  -182.050833 9
10:00    2086.825833 -2596.776667   492.475000  17.478333   10
11:00    959.740000  -1696.840833   846.346667  -109.245833 11
12:00    2648.243333 -3006.825000   374.156667  -15.579167  12
13:00    1826.446667 -2055.055833   240.062500  -11.453333  13
14:00    1410.041667 -1551.870000   153.488333  -11.658333  14
15:00    536.535000  -572.946667    48.553333   -12.143333  15
16:00    1079.993333 -1069.868333   0.890000    -11.016667  16
17:00    2269.711667 -2260.661667   0.000000    -9.050833   17


model = ConcreteModel()

# Define model parameters
model.T = Set(initialize=power.Time.tolist(), ordered=True, doc='hour of week')
model.Ein = Param(initialize=2400, doc='Max rate of power flow (W) in')
model.Eout = Param(initialize=-2400, doc='Max rate of power flow (W) out')
model.Smax = Param(initialize=4800, doc='Max storage (Wh)')
model.Smin = Param(initialize=480, doc='Min storage (Wh)')
model.price = Param(initialize = 0.000124, doc = 'Hourly Price of Electricity')

#Decision Variables
model.E = Var(model.T, domain=Reals)  # Battery Power Flow
model.S = Var(model.T, domain=NonNegativeReals) # Battery State of Charge
model.excess_pv = Var(model.T, domain=Reals) # Excess PV Forecasted

## Set Constraints
def storage_state(model,t):
    'Storage changes with flows in/out'
    if t == model.T.first():
        return model.S[t] == (model.Smax + model.Smin)/2
        return model.S[t] == (model.S[t-1] - model.E[t-1])

model.charge_state = Constraint(model.T, rule = storage_state)

def max_charge(model,t):
    'Max hourly charge of the battery'
    return model.E[t] <= model.Ein

model.pos_charge = Constraint(model.T, rule = max_charge)

def max_discharge(model,t):
    'Max hourly discharge of the battery'
    return model.E[t] >= model.Eout

model.discharge = Constraint(model.T, rule = max_discharge)

def max_stateofcharge(model,t):
    'Max storage in the battery'
    return model.S[t] <= model.Smax

model.max_soc = Constraint(model.T, rule = max_stateofcharge)

def min_stateofcharge(model, t):
    'Min storage in the battery'
    return model.S[t] >= model.Smin

model.min_soc = Constraint(model.T, rule = min_stateofcharge)

def stop_final_discharge(model, t):
    'Prevents battery discharging in final hour'
    return model.E[t] <= model.S[t] = Constraint(model.T, rule = stop_final_discharge)

def excess_solar(model, t):
    'Calculating the excess solar if the battery is full'
    if model.S[t] == model.Smax:
        return model.excess_pv[t] == demand[t] - solar_forecast[t]
        return model.excess_pv[t] == 0

model.solar_constraint = Constraint(model.T, rule = excess_solar)

def demand_cons(model, t):
    'Demand must be postive'
    if model.excess_pv[t] <= 0:
        return demand[t] - solar_forecast[t] - model.E[t] >= 0
        return demand[t] + model.excess_pv[t] - solar_forecast[t] - model.E[t] >= 0 

model.demand_constraint = Constraint(model.T, rule = demand_cons)

# objective
cost = sum(model.price*(demand[t] - solar_forecast[t] - model.E[t]) for t in model.T)
model.cost = Objective(expr = cost, sense=minimize)

# solve
opt = SolverFactory(solvername,executable=solverpath_exe)

results = opt.solve(model)
print('Cost = €', round(value(model.cost()),2))

If I don't have an excess PV I don't need the variable model.excess_pv = Var(model.T, domain=Reals) and the demand constraint looks like this:

def demand_cons(model, t):
'Demand must be postive'
return demand[t] - solar_forecast[t] - model.E[t] >= 0

model.demand_constraint = Constraint(model.T, rule = demand_cons)

This is the error I am getting when trying to run the code with the data that has excess pv

 ERROR: evaluating object as numeric value: S[0]
        (object: <class 'pyomo.core.base.var._GeneralVarData'>)
    No value for uninitialized NumericValue object S[0]
ERROR: Rule failed when generating expression for constraint solar_constraint
    with index 0: ValueError: No value for uninitialized NumericValue object
ERROR: Constructing component 'solar_constraint' from data=None failed:
    ValueError: No value for uninitialized NumericValue object S[0]
ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-4-cd4b3e07af68> in <module>
     63         return Constraint.Skip
---> 65 model.solar_constraint = Constraint(model.T, rule = excess_solar)
     67 def demand_cons(model, t):

c:\users\stephen\python\lib\site-packages\pyomo\core\base\ in __setattr__(self, name, val)
    542                 # Pyomo components are added with the add_component method.
    543                 #
--> 544                 self.add_component(name, val)
    545             else:
    546                 #

c:\users\stephen\python\lib\site-packages\pyomo\core\base\ in add_component(self, name, val)
   1087                              _blockName, str(data))
   1088             try:
-> 1089                 val.construct(data)
   1090             except:
   1091                 err = sys.exc_info()[1]

c:\users\stephen\python\lib\site-packages\pyomo\core\base\ in construct(self, data)
    834                 for index in self.index_set():
    835                     self._setitem_when_not_present(
--> 836                         index, self.rule(block, index)
    837                     )
    838         except Exception:

c:\users\stephen\python\lib\site-packages\pyomo\core\base\ in __call__(self, parent, idx)
    302             return self._fcn(parent, *idx)
    303         else:
--> 304             return self._fcn(parent, idx)

<ipython-input-4-cd4b3e07af68> in excess_solar(model, t)
     58 def excess_solar(model, t):
     59     'Calculating the excess solar if the battery is full'
---> 60     if model.S[t] == model.Smax:
     61         return model.excess_pv[t] == demand[t] - solar_forecast[t]
     62     else:

pyomo\core\expr\logical_expr.pyx in pyomo.core.expr.logical_expr.EqualityExpression.__nonzero__()

pyomo\core\expr\numeric_expr.pyx in pyomo.core.expr.numeric_expr.ExpressionBase.__call__()

c:\users\stephen\python\lib\site-packages\pyomo\core\expr\ in evaluate_expression(exp, exception, constant)
   1052         visitor = _EvaluationVisitor()
   1053     try:
-> 1054         return visitor.dfs_postorder_stack(exp)
   1056     except ( TemplateExpressionError, ValueError, TypeError,

c:\users\stephen\python\lib\site-packages\pyomo\core\expr\ in dfs_postorder_stack(self, node)
    582                 _sub = _argList[_idx]
    583                 _idx += 1
--> 584                 flag, value = self.visiting_potential_leaf(_sub)
    585                 if flag:
    586                     _result.append( value )

c:\users\stephen\python\lib\site-packages\pyomo\core\expr\ in visiting_potential_leaf(self, node)
    961         if node.is_numeric_type():
--> 962             return True, value(node)
    963         elif node.is_logical_type():
    964             return True, value(node)

pyomo\core\expr\numvalue.pyx in pyomo.core.expr.numvalue.value()

pyomo\core\expr\numvalue.pyx in pyomo.core.expr.numvalue.value()

ValueError: No value for uninitialized NumericValue object S[0]

Does anyone know how I should formulate the constraint so that it resolves this issue? Any help will be greatly appreciated and thanks in advance for all the help.


  • As @Erwin has mentioned you can't use a pyomo variable in an if statement. Because at the time of executing the if statement the value of the variable is unknown. See the code comment below outlining the lines with errors.

    def excess_solar(model, t):
        'Calculating the excess solar if the battery is full'
        if model.S[t] == model.Smax:  #here is the line with error
            return model.excess_pv[t] == demand[t] - solar_forecast[t]
            return model.excess_pv[t] == 0
    model.solar_constraint = Constraint(model.T, rule = excess_solar)
    def demand_cons(model, t):
        'Demand must be postive'
        if model.excess_pv[t] <= 0: #error here too
            return demand[t] - solar_forecast[t] - model.E[t] >= 0
            return demand[t] + model.excess_pv[t] - solar_forecast[t] - model.E[t] >= 0 
    model.demand_constraint = Constraint(model.T, rule = demand_cons)

    I'm thinking that if you are using variables to determine how the constraint is going to be formulated there may be an issue in the overall logic. I haven't played around with your example but I am thinking that model.S should be part of the excess_solar constraint rather than used as an if statement. Wouldn't the optimal battery state be impacted by excess solar? Something similar may be the case for demand constraint.

    Maybe something like this for the excess solar constraint:

    def excess_solar(model, t):
        'Calculating the excess solar if the battery is full'
         return model.excess_pv[t] + (model.S[t] - model.Smax) + (demand[t] - solar_forecast[t]) <= 0

    If you want to make sure model.excess_pv is 0 when the battery is full you can set a bound on the variable which makes it greater than 0. This will just result in slack on the constraint.