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Angular core providers like PLATFORM_ID

In value-based providers (tokens), we have something like this (in the module):

const CONFIG = 'CONFIG';
providers: [
        provide: CONFIG,
        useValue: myConfigObj,

Because we defined the provider in module, in a service we can do this:

constructor(@Optional() @Inject(CONFIG) config) {

But when we want to access PLATFORM_ID like this:

constructor(@Inject(PLATFORM_ID) private platformId) {

We don't define PLATFORM_ID in the module's provider. In which module this is defined? And what is the useValue ?


  • Already answered this for you on the Angular Community Discord server, but I'm not sure you saw that.

    By calling platformBrowserDynamic() (or platformDynamicServer() in case of an @Angular/universal app) in main.ts, an injector is created which is configured by PlatformModule. PLATFORM_ID is provided here.

    The value is a string: 'browser' (or 'server' for a universal app).

    You can read more about the platform injector (which is a parent of the root injector) here:

    edit: By request, the links to the source code: It's provided here:, then it get's passed into a createPlatformFactory: where the Injector is created with the passed in providers: