I'm trying to get the optimized parameters using GridSearchCV but I get the erorr:
AttributeError: 'DecisionTreeClassifier' object has no attribute 'best_params_'
I don't know where I did wrong.. this is the code of the models:
classifier = DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth=800, min_samples_split=5)
params = {'criterion':['gini','entropy'],'splitter':['best', 'random']}
classifier = GridSearchCV(classifier, params, cv=3, n_jobs=4)
classifier.fit(train_vectors, train_labels)
classifier = classifier.best_estimator_
print("Best: using {0}".format(classifier.best_params_))
im new in this field, any help?
The classifier.best_estimator_
returns the best trained model which is a DecisionTreeClassifier
in this case.
To access the params use the method get_params()
(see here)
{'ccp_alpha': 0.0,
'class_weight': None,
'criterion': 'gini',
'max_depth': 5,
'max_features': None,
'max_leaf_nodes': None,
'min_impurity_decrease': 0.0,
'min_impurity_split': None,
'min_samples_leaf': 1,
'min_samples_split': 5,
'min_weight_fraction_leaf': 0.0,
'presort': 'deprecated',
'random_state': None,
'splitter': 'best'}
This returns a dictionary from where you can now access the optimized params