I want to implement the MaterialButtonToggleGroup in Jetpack Compose. This component looks like this (image taken from here):
So far, I got the following result:
Note, that the vertical grey border next to the vertical blue border are present. In the original, either the colored border or the grey color are present at a time. To make it more clear, have a look at this image with extra thick borders:
How can I achieve that the vertical borders between two buttons are not present? My current code looks like this:
val cornerRadius = 8.dp
modifier = Modifier
) {
Spacer(modifier = Modifier.weight(1f))
items.forEachIndexed { index, item ->
onClick = { indexChanged(index) },
shape = when (index) {
// left outer button
0 -> RoundedCornerShape(topStart = cornerRadius, topEnd = 0.dp, bottomStart = cornerRadius, bottomEnd = 0.dp)
// right outer button
items.size - 1 -> RoundedCornerShape(topStart = 0.dp, topEnd = cornerRadius, bottomStart = 0.dp, bottomEnd = cornerRadius)
// middle button
else -> RoundedCornerShape(topStart = 0.dp, topEnd = 0.dp, bottomStart = 0.dp, bottomEnd = 0.dp)
border = BorderStroke(1.dp, if(selectedIndex == index) { MaterialTheme.colors.primary } else { Color.DarkGray.copy(alpha = 0.75f)}),
colors = if(selectedIndex == index) {
// selected colors
ButtonDefaults.outlinedButtonColors(backgroundColor = MaterialTheme.colors.primary.copy(alpha = 0.1f), contentColor = MaterialTheme.colors.primary)
} else {
// not selected colors
ButtonDefaults.outlinedButtonColors(backgroundColor = MaterialTheme.colors.surface, contentColor = MaterialTheme.colors.primary)
) {
text = "Some text",
color = if(selectedIndex == index) { MaterialTheme.colors.primary } else { Color.DarkGray.copy(alpha = 0.9f) },
modifier = Modifier.padding(horizontal = 8.dp)
Spacer(modifier = Modifier.weight(1f))
In the MaterialButtonToggleGroup
to prevent a double-width stroke there is a negative marginStart on all except the first child drawing the adjacent strokes directly on top of each other.
Using the same solution:
modifier = when (index) {
0 ->
.offset(0.dp, 0.dp)
.zIndex(if (selectedIndex == index) 1f else 0f)
else ->
.offset((-1 * index).dp, 0.dp)
.zIndex(if (selectedIndex == index) 1f else 0f)
// Your code here