I'm trying to create a simple function in xlwings that takes a range object in the form of a cell, figures out what the last cell in the column of that cell with data is and then returns the range from the cell to the last cell with data. I then want to be able to use this range in a formula in Excel.
My issue is I can't get the return value to be a usable range object that excel can work with. How do I do that?
My function is (the function colnum_string
just translates the numeric column to the excel column letter):
@xw.arg('start', 'range')
@xw.ret('end_range', 'range')
def CELLTOEND(start):
column = colnum_string(start.column)
row = start.row
sheet = start.sheet
end_row = xw.sheets[sheet].range(column + str(xw.sheets[sheet].cells.last_cell.row)).end(
'up').row + 1
end_range = xw.Range(column + str(row) + ":" + column + str(end_row))
return end_range
This function gives me the compile error: xlret() takes from 0 to 1 positional arguments but 2 were given
I also tried to not create end_cell
as Range object but to no avail and finally returning as end_cell.formula
, which does return the range, but if that range contains the numbers from let's say 1-7, I cannot then use SUM on it and get the result of 28
I ended up doing this, which seems to work for my case:
@xw.arg('start', 'range')
def CELLTOEND(start):
return end_range.value