I am parsing data from mysql into my IOS swift app using Alamofire, the data are Integers, and I am fetching them into text fields then I will do some calculations on them, I loaded the data Successful but the issue that they cann't be assigned to the text fields!
func getIcomeData() {
let url = URLs.income
AF.request(url).validate().responseJSON { response in
switch response.result {
case .success:
print("Validation Successful)")
if let json = response.data {
let jsonData = try JSON(data: json)
let dataarray = jsonData.arrayValue
print("DATA PARSED: \(jsonData)")
for itemDict in dataarray{
let int1 = itemDict["Base-Pay-Monthly"].intValue
**self.BPMTXT.text = itemDict["Base-Pay-Monthly"].intValue**
let int2 = itemDict["Overtime"].intValue
**self.OTTXT.text = itemDict["Overtime"].intValue**
let int6 = itemDict["Others"].intValue
**self.OthersTXT.text = itemDict["Others"].intValue**
let totalIncome = [int1, int2, int3, int4, int5, int6]
let sum = totalIncome.reduce(0, +)
//self.NetPayLabel.text = String(sum)
self.NetPay = Double(sum)
catch {
print("JSON Error", error)
case .failure(let error):
I am getting this error Cannot assign value of type 'Int' to type 'String' on the bolded lines
The error message is very clear.
is String.
is Int.
Cannot assign value of type 'Int' to type 'String'
Try the following modifications.
self.BPMTXT.text = "\(itemDict["Base-Pay-Monthly"].intValue)"
self.OTTXT.text = "\(itemDict["Overtime"].intValue)"
self.OthersTXT.text = "\(itemDict["Others"].intValue)"