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Store D2C messages in Azure SQL database

I am trying to store sensor readings received from Cloudrail.Box as a JSON payload into Azure SQL database. The edge function I'm currently using outputs the message(shown below) in batches based on the set frequency. { "Temp_V_Raw": 0.789, "Pressure_V_Raw": 0.006, "Temp_C": 23.67, "Pressure_Bar": 1.8450718792014, "Timestamp": 1617990070392, "Date": "Fri Apr 09 2021 19:41:10 GMT+0200 (CEST)" }

HOw do I store this in a tabular format in Azure SQL database?


  • I would suggest you create a stored procedure to deal with the json data, then you pass the JSON data into the Azure SQL database by a stored procedure.

    Ref the stored procedure example:

    CREATE TABLE dbo.SystemRecord(
        RecordedDateTime        datetime2(0) NOT NULL,
        RecordedDateTimeLocal   datetime2(0) NOT NULL,
        CpuPctProcessorTime     smallint     NOT NULL,
        MemAvailGbytes          smallint     NOT NULL
    CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.InsertSystemRecordData
    @json NVARCHAR(max)
    INSERT INTO dbo.SystemRecord (
    , [RecordedDateTimeLocal]
    , [CpuPctProcessorTime]
    , [MemAvailGbytes])
        FROM OPENJSON(@json)
        WITH (
          RecordedDateTime      DATETIME2(0) '$.dateTime'
        , RecordedDateTimeLocal DATETIME2(0) '$.dateTimeLocal'
        , CpuPctProcessorTime   SMALLINT     '$.cpuPctProcessorTime'
        , MemAvailGbytes        SMALLINT     '$.memAvailGbytes'
        ) AS jsonValues
    EXEC dbo.InsertSystemRecordData @json ='{"dateTime":"2018-03-19T15:15:40.222Z","dateTimeLocal":"2018-03-19T11:15:40.222Z","cpuPctProcessorTime":"0","memAvailGbytes":"28"}'

    You could ref these links:

    1. Pass json_value into stored procedure
    2. How to Insert JSON Data into SQL Server Database
