I'm working on a way to overwrite a folder if it already exists, with confirmation. Here is my code(along with the part I'm stuck on):
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set network = CreateObject("WScript.Network")
username = network.userName
userprofile = shell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%userprofile%")
If fso.FolderExists(userprofile + "\foldername") = False Then
fso.CreateFolder(userprofile & "\foldername")
End If
If fso.FolderExists(userprofile + "\foldername") = True Then
overwrite = msgbox("The directory that foldername uses(" & userprofile + "\foldername) is unavailable. Overwrite?",4+16+4096,"")
if overwrite = vbYes then
overwrite2 = msgbox("THIS IS YOUR LAST WARNING. Any files in " & userprofile + "\foldername will be PERMANENTLY LOST. Continue?",4+16+4096,"")
if overwrite2 = vbYes then
'overwriting folder goes here
End If
if overwrite2 = vbNo then
End If
if overwrite = vbNo then
End If
The "overwriting folder goes here
" is where I need help. Thanks!
When you say overwrite folder is the intention to delete all existing content? If so could you delete the folder first and then recreate it?
if overwrite2 = vbYes then
strFolderPath = userprofile & "\foldername"
fso.DeleteFolder strFolderPath, true
End If