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Transform excel table looping through columns

I'm working on a Excel table transformation into another file for database upload. The tables usually looks like this: enter image description here

The result should be a long list looking like this:

enter image description here

And this is the code I was trying to use...any thoughts?

import pandas as pd
from pandas import DataFrame
import numpy as np

df_excel = pd.read_excel('Excel_Forecast.xlsx', engine='openpyxl')

df_details = df_excel['Details']

df_base = []

for column in df_excel.columns[2:]:
    df_base = DataFrame(df_base.append(df_excel[(column)]),columns=['Amount'])

df_base.to_excel('Temp.xlsx', index=False)


  • Use df.melt:

    df.melt(['Group', 'Item'])