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splitting a number into the integer and decimal parts GNUPLOT

Is there any way to split a number into its integer and decimal parts?

I've tried the int() "function":

int(5.5) = 5.

But I've got no idea how do I get the decimal?


(I have)

a = 12.34

(I want)

b = 12
c = 34

a = 12.34

b = int(a)

c = ????



My specific problem, here we have (thanks again for the support)

I have a set of data, with different blocks. For each block, I want to make the same plot. The title of the plot and the name of the output png depends on the block.

With this goal in mind I've created a loop

do for [j=0:int(A_blocks-2)]{

i=0 + 0.4*j

set output 'Mz_NMcs5000_Hext'.i.'_JC1_JSn05_JIntn05_R11_tSh2.png'

set title "H = '.i.'  J_C = 1  J_S = J_{Int} = - 0.5"

plot filename index j using 1:5 w lp pt 5 lt rgb "black" title "Mag_T", "" index j u 1:20  w lp pt 9 lt rgb "red" title "Mag_{Int-S}"

The problem I have is that I only can concatenate using the dot if the value is an integer. I get this error:

internal error : STRING operator applied to undefined or non-STRING variable


  • If you want to include a float number into a title or a file name use the string formatting via sprintf(), check help sprintf and help format specifiers.

    a = 1.234
    myFile = sprintf("MyFileName_%g_MoreParameters.png",a)
    print myFile

