I've been trying to update an existing node using py2neo. Some things worth metionioning:
OS: Arch Linux x86_64
python version: 3.8
py2neo version: 2021.0.1
ne4j version: 4.2.1
flask version: 1.1.2
Application is running inside a docker container, the actual flask website is on port 5000, neo4j interface is on port 7474 and flask connects to port 7687 (neo4j)
Here are a few methods I've tried:
def update_node(self, node_name: str, node_group: str, property_update: dict):
return self.name_search_person(node_name=node_name, node_group=node_group).update(**property_update)
def update_node(self, node_name: str, node_group: str, property_update: dict):
node_to_update = self.name_search_person(node_name=node_name, node_group=node_group)
if node_to_update:
del node_to_update
return 'successfully updated node'
At the 2nd method I've tried with the following function calls:
graph_db.update_node(node_name='Andrei', node_group='Person', property_update={'name': t['Updated']})
(this just returns NameErrror: name 't' is not defined (I've seen this Here)
graph_db.update_node(node_name='Andrei', node_group='Person', property_update={'name':'Updated'})
Am I doing something wrong with the function calls or is the actual updating function not working by some reason?
Apparently the solution was to just remove the 't' from the function call
graph_db.update_node(node_name='Andrei', node_group='Person', property_update={'name': t['Updated']}
so now it's:
graph_db.update_node(node_name='Andrei', node_group='Person', property_update={'name': ['Updated']}
Honestly IDK why it didn't work with the other function call