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Odoo 14 Webservices through External API (XMLRPC) using PHP / Laravel

I want to use Odoo webservices using PHP as the examples on Odoo documentation (Odoo External API), link is here: Odoo External API

I have tried python examples on above page which works fine... even from another machine's same vm (both vm's are Ubuntu 18.04 Desktop, running Odoo 14) I have not any idea of using/writing code in PHP, on my Windows host machine, I have downloaded XAMPP portable, enable xmlrpc in php.ini, installed ripcord library through composer, (as it uses in PHP examples in above official guide) started XAMPP controller + Apache, created a .php file in d:\xampp\htdocs\mytest\test.php with code below:


//url = my ubuntu vm ipv4 with odoo default port
$url = ""; 
$db = 'odb';
$username = '[email protected]';
$password = 'admin';

$common = Ripcord::client($url'/xmlrpc/2/common');
$ver = $common->version();
echo $ver;
$uid = $common->authenticate($db, $username, $password, array());
echo $uid;

run the page in Chrome, it says Warning: require_once(ripcord.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in D:\xampp\htdocs\mytest\test.php is there anything else i missed or have to configs/settings or i have to have xmlrpc.php too? if yes, where it should be copied? please help as I am searching and trying since last Sunday and still failed. if any related info required, please ask for to have enough information to resolve the problem.


  • final code which works fine, retrieve data ('name') from res_partner. just to inform, i have Odoo 14 installed on a ubuntu 18.04 desktop, sets its network as Bridge and used Odo's default port. have XAMPP portable on my Win'7 host machine, created a project folder in D:\xampp\htdocs\mytest and cloned "ripcord" library with GitBash: git clone

    created .php file (below) and test it in Chrome, it is showing name column data from res_partner... as expected.

    // Login information
    $url = '';
    $url_auth = $url . '/xmlrpc/2/common';
    $url_exec = $url . '/xmlrpc/2/object';
    $db = 'odb14';
    $username = '[email protected]';
    $password = 'admin';
    // Ripcord can be cloned from
    // Login
    $common = ripcord::client($url_auth);
    $uid = $common->authenticate($db, $username, $password, array());
    print("<p>Your current user id is '${uid}'</p>");
    $models = ripcord::client($url_exec);
    $models                 // The (Ripcord) client
        ->execute_kw(       // Execute command
        'table.reference',  // Referenced model, e.g. 'res.partner' or 'account.invoice'
        'search',           // Search method of the referenced model
        array()             // Search domain
    $customer_ids = $models->execute_kw(
        $db, // DB name
        $uid, // User id, user login name won't work here
        $password, // User password
        'res.partner', // Model name
        'search', // Function name
        array( // Search domain
            array( // Search domain conditions
                array('active', '=', true))
    $customers = $models->execute_kw($db, $uid, $password, 'res.partner',
        'read',  // Function name
        array($customer_ids), // An array of record ids
        array('fields'=>array('name')) // Array of wanted fields
    print("<p><strong>Found customers:</strong><br/>");
    foreach ($customers as $customer){

    happy coding :)