I want to use Odoo webservices using PHP as the examples on Odoo documentation (Odoo External API), link is here: Odoo External API
I have tried python examples on above page which works fine... even from another machine's same vm (both vm's are Ubuntu 18.04 Desktop, running Odoo 14) I have not any idea of using/writing code in PHP, on my Windows host machine, I have downloaded XAMPP portable, enable xmlrpc in php.ini, installed ripcord library through composer, (as it uses in PHP examples in above official guide) started XAMPP controller + Apache, created a .php file in d:\xampp\htdocs\mytest\test.php with code below:
//url = my ubuntu vm ipv4 with odoo default port
$url = "";
$db = 'odb';
$username = '[email protected]';
$password = 'admin';
$common = Ripcord::client($url'/xmlrpc/2/common');
$ver = $common->version();
echo $ver;
$uid = $common->authenticate($db, $username, $password, array());
echo $uid;
run the page in Chrome, it says Warning: require_once(ripcord.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in D:\xampp\htdocs\mytest\test.php is there anything else i missed or have to configs/settings or i have to have xmlrpc.php too? if yes, where it should be copied? please help as I am searching and trying since last Sunday and still failed. if any related info required, please ask for to have enough information to resolve the problem.
final code which works fine, retrieve data ('name') from res_partner. just to inform, i have Odoo 14 installed on a ubuntu 18.04 desktop, sets its network as Bridge and used Odo's default port. have XAMPP portable on my Win'7 host machine, created a project folder in D:\xampp\htdocs\mytest and cloned "ripcord" library with GitBash: git clone https://github.com/poef/ripcord
created .php file (below) and test it in Chrome, it is showing name column data from res_partner... as expected.
// Login information
$url = '';
$url_auth = $url . '/xmlrpc/2/common';
$url_exec = $url . '/xmlrpc/2/object';
$db = 'odb14';
$username = '[email protected]';
$password = 'admin';
// Ripcord can be cloned from https://github.com/poef/ripcord
// Login
$common = ripcord::client($url_auth);
$uid = $common->authenticate($db, $username, $password, array());
print("<p>Your current user id is '${uid}'</p>");
$models = ripcord::client($url_exec);
$models // The (Ripcord) client
->execute_kw( // Execute command
'table.reference', // Referenced model, e.g. 'res.partner' or 'account.invoice'
'search', // Search method of the referenced model
array() // Search domain
$customer_ids = $models->execute_kw(
$db, // DB name
$uid, // User id, user login name won't work here
$password, // User password
'res.partner', // Model name
'search', // Function name
array( // Search domain
array( // Search domain conditions
array('active', '=', true))
$customers = $models->execute_kw($db, $uid, $password, 'res.partner',
'read', // Function name
array($customer_ids), // An array of record ids
array('fields'=>array('name')) // Array of wanted fields
print("<p><strong>Found customers:</strong><br/>");
foreach ($customers as $customer){
happy coding :)