Please help me to resolve this little task: how to declare a variable as given type. In this case - interface.
I guess, the answer is simple, but I don't know it, and Google don't too. I tried everything, but I can't resolve it.
Thank you.
Public Interface IMyInterface
Property MyProperty
End Interface
Public Sub MySimpleSub()
Dim tType As System.Type = GetType(IMyInterface)
Call SubAcceptsInterface(tType)
End Sub
Public Sub SubAcceptsInterface(ByVal tType As System.Type)
Dim arrMyArray() As tType= {} ' <-- here's an error: Error 1 Type 'tType' is not defined.
End Sub
If you want to pass a type of a class/structure/interface to a function, you can template the function like this:
Public Sub SubAcceptsInterface(Of tType)()
Dim arrMyArray() As tType = {} 'This should declare fine
End Sub
Pass the tType parameter of the template like this:
Public Sub MySimpleSub()
SubAcceptsInterface(Of IMyInterface)()
End Sub