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Micronaut correctly handles io.reactivex.Maybe in Controllers, but how?

In my controller I have:

fun findById(id: String): Maybe<AccountTransaction> {
    return accountTransactionRepository.findById(ObjectId(id))

The repository looks like:

fun findById(id: ObjectId): Maybe<AccountTransaction> {
    return Flowable.fromPublisher(getCollection().find(Filters.eq("_id", id))).firstElement()

If I pass in an invalid ID, the controller responds correctly with a 404. That's great! I just don't know why / how that is happening. I assume that's just baked in to MN and it checks to see if it is empty or not. But can someone explain that to me / confirm?


  • I assume that's just baked in to MN and it checks to see if it is empty or not. But can someone explain that to me / confirm?

    A 404 is generated any time a controller action returns null or an empty Maybe.

    More info is available at