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Why am I getting 404 error Message "Not Found" on get request for my jersey rest service?

I have actually a similar problem as described here JAX-RS Resource not found in GlassFish Server. Since one should not ask for help in the answers I make a new question.

I created a project named "SPCore" which is a simple RESTful Webservice. It uses jax-rs libs, jdk 11 and a Tomcat 9.0.44 server. I have an index.html in the webapps folder which shows Hello World. The context path is set to /sp-core. If I'm calling localhost:8080/sp-core the index.html file is returned. So that works.

I have some resources (I will only show one as example). The resource "ProcessEventResource" should return "hello world" as plain text when a GET request comes. The path is set to @Path("processEvent"). Sadly I get an error 404 when I'm calling localhost:8080/sp-core/processEvent

I tried so far:

  1. add an / at the beginning of the path declaration

  2. I added a subclass application as mentioned here in the updated answer JAX-RS Resource not found in GlassFish Server. Still I get the 404 error when calling localhost:8080/sp-core/api/rest/processEvent

I have the assumption that something with the servlets or paths is not working correctly.

In the following I will provide my project structure, the pom file, the resource and the application class. I cut some small parts (package names, group-id, ...) which refers to the company I'm working for. If you need more Information please let me know.

Project structure


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""




processEventResource which simply returns hello world:

public class ProcessEventResource {

    public ProcessEventResource(){

    public String processEvent() {
        return "Hello, World!";

RestApplication class:


public class RestApplication extends Application {


I would expect to get the hello world response when I'm calling localhost:8080/sp-core/api/rest/processEvent

Thanks in advance for your help and time.


I switched from dependency javax to jersey and added a web.xml file. The new pom.xml looks like this




The web.xml looks like this:



Now I either get a 404 with message "Not Found" or "The requested resource [/sp-core/api/rest/processEvent] is not available". Which path should go where so I get the return "Hello World" when I call localhost:8080/sp-core/api/rest/processEvent


I added init parameter to the web.xml


The error message is still the same.


  • After reading many stackoverflow questions, JAX-RS docu and in the end maven docu I finally got it done. So I will show what I have done in the end.

    As I wrote in the first update I added a web.xml file which ended up looking like this.

    <web-app version="3.0" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">

    Please note, that the param name for the application is and not as said in the documentation (always read the notes ...).

    I ended up only using the jersey container-servlet and the jersey-hk2 dependencies (JSON dependency is only for another resource). So the pom.xml looks like the following:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <project xmlns=""

    My RestApplication overrides the getClasses Method from the Application class. There I added all my resources. The ApplicationPath is set to /*

    import java.util.HashSet;
    import java.util.Set;
    public class RestApplication extends Application {
        public RestApplication() {
        public Set<Class<?>> getClasses() {
            Set<Class<?>> s = new HashSet<Class<?>>();
            return s;

    And then it finally worked and I got my Hello World when requesting http://localhost:8080/sp-core/api/rest/processEvent.

    Another short problem I run into was a 500 error missing RestApplication class. Simply forgot to maven compile ...

    Hope this question and answer helps others. Cheers :)