Is it possible to keep the streamingjob running all the time? After about 24 hours, it spits out this error and stops processing. I'm not quite sure how to handle this.
21/01/01 00:03:30 WARN KafkaOffsetReader [stream execution thread for [id =17bf-45aa-a9cd-2f77ec14df61, runId = 43c1-a932-d9f790996a6e]]: Retrying to fetch latest offsets because of incorrect offsets
21/01/01 07:17:04 ERROR RawSocketSender [MdsLoggerSenderThread]: org.fluentd.logger.sender.RawSocketSender Broken pipe (Write failed)
Doesn't the above code always run?
Reason: There are no messages in your kafka queue for consumption .
Increase the and max time retry for awaitTermination() .
ie for 3000000 milliseconds = wait for message for 5 minute
Note: Change the value as per your environment . it is the max duration will at least one new message arrive in kafka queue.