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Node AWS SDK v3: Types for `event` and `context` arguments in Lambda functions?

I'm switching to the new Node AWS SDK (v3) to take advantage of its modularity and Typescript support. The first thing I needed to do was to write a Lambda function, but I can't find types to support the handler function signature. The types in the @aws/client-lambda seem to all be related to, well, a client for managing Lambda.

Does the Node SDK have official types for writing Lambdas somewhere? In particular:

  • Where is the type for the context argument?
  • For event argument, is there a list somewhere of the events that can come from other AWS services and their corresponding types?
interface Event {
  // This could be anything -- a custom structure or something 
  // created by another AWS service, so it makes sense that
  // there isn't a discoverable type for this. There should be
  // corresponding types for each service that can send events
  // to Lambda functions though. Where are these?

interface Context {
  // This is provided by Lambda, but I can't find types for it anywhere.
  // Since it's always the same, there should be a type defined somewhere,
  // but where?

exports.handler = ( event: Event, context: Context )=>{
  // While `event` could anything so it makes sense to not have a single type available,
  // `context` is always the same thing and should have a type somewhere.


  • Use aws-lambda types, it have types for most of the events.

    Example handlers:

    import { SQSHandler, SNSHandler, APIGatewayProxyHandler } from 'aws-lambda';
    export const sqsHandler: SQSHandler = async (event, context) => {
    export const snsHandler: SNSHandler = async (event, context) => {
    export const apiV2Handler: APIGatewayProxyHandler = async (event, context) => {
      return {
        body: 'Response body',
        statusCode: 200