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In elm-ui how do I apply a class or style to an element

If I need to cheat and use a css class for something that is not supported by Elm-UI (backdrop-filter for example) how do I do that. I searched slack and I found htmlAttribute <| "filter" "blur(xyz)", but I don't understand how to apply that to a Element . Thank you!


  • This was answered over on slack by a generous hero. Just moving the answer over here so that it is available to others.

    The solution is to use htmlAttribute in the el just like you would centerX, spacing ~~, etc!

    module Main exposing (main)
    import Browser
    import Element as E
    import Html.Attributes
    main =
        E.layout []
                [ E.htmlAttribute ( "color" "red")
                E.text "foo"

    and a class would be Html.Attributes.class "className"