I am working with fipy and I wish to simulate a flow with a free flux BC on some selected faces. Following other examples, I tried 2 different technics:
from fipy import *
from fipy.meshes.nonUniformGrid1D import NonUniformGrid1D as Grid1D
from fipy.tools import numerix as np
dx = [1., 1. , 0.78584047]
coeff = 2.
dt = min(0.1, 0.9 * min(dx) ** 2 / (2 * coeff))
steps = 10
mesh = Grid1D(nx = len(dx), dx = dx)
#phi values
phi = CellVariable(mesh = mesh, value=[10., 0., 0.], hasOld = True)
phi.constrain(0., mesh.facesRight) #dirichlet BC
phi2 = CellVariable(mesh = mesh, value=[10., 0., 0.], hasOld = True)
phi2.constrain(0., mesh.facesRight) #dirichlet BC
#outflow value
phi2Out = CellVariable(mesh = mesh, value=[0., 0., 0.], hasOld = True)
intCoef = FaceVariable(mesh, value=coeff)
extCoef = FaceVariable(mesh, value=coeff)
intCoef.constrain(0., where = mesh.facesRight)
extCoef.constrain(0., where = ~mesh.facesRight)
eq1= TransientTerm() == DiffusionTerm(coeff= intCoef * phi.faceValue) \
+ ImplicitSourceTerm(coeff= (extCoef * phi.faceGrad).divergence)
eq2 =TransientTerm() == DiffusionTerm(coeff= intCoef * phi2.faceValue) \
+ phi2 * (extCoef * phi2.faceGrad).divergence
eq3 =TransientTerm() == - phi2 * (extCoef * phi2.faceGrad).divergence
for _ in range(steps):
res = 1e+10
loop = 0
while res > 1e-4 and loop < 1000:
res = eq1.sweep(var= phi,dt= dt)
res2 = eq2.sweep(var=phi2 ,dt= dt)
res3 = eq3.sweep(var=phi2Out ,dt= dt)
res = max(res, res2, res3)
loop += 1
if res > 1e-4:
print('no convergence! res: ', res)
print('\nphi: ', phi * mesh.cellVolumes, sum(phi* mesh.cellVolumes))
print('phi2: ', phi2* mesh.cellVolumes,sum(phi2* mesh.cellVolumes))
print('phi2_outFlow: ', phi2Out* mesh.cellVolumes, sum(phi2Out* mesh.cellVolumes))
print('phi2_total: ', sum(phi2* mesh.cellVolumes + phi2Out* mesh.cellVolumes))
Output after 10 steps:
phi: [2.21786728 1.82700906 0.63381385] 4.678690190704105
phi2: [2.21786872 1.82701185 0.6338187 ] 4.678699267591382
phi2_outFlow: [0. 0. 5.32132192] 5.321321918864122
phi2_total: 10.000021186455504
Ideally, I would like to extract the value of the outflow to check the mass balance and know the exact value of each term for each cell (other sink/source terms will be added later, as well as other free-flow boundaries).
My questions are:
Thank you for your help!
PS: I have been working with python3 so far, so, although I am interested in solutions involving other solvers, I am especially looking for something that can be implemented with scipy.
- why are the values of phi and phi2 slightly different?
and phi2
are different because eq2
doesn't converge as rapidly as eq1
. This is because eq1
is more implicit than eq2
. If you change the tolerance for the residual, e.g., res > 1e-10
, you'll see the two solutions are in much closer agreement.
- how could I extract the outflow term for each cell (when a more complex grid will be used) while keeping 'ImplicitSourceTerm', which is more efficient?
You can still evaluate the flux phi2 * extCoef * phi2.faceGrad
, even when you use the ImplicitSourceTerm
In general, it's not easy to extract what each Term
is doing physically (see issue #461). You can use the FIPY_DISPLAY_MATRIX
environment variable to see how each Term
contributes to the solution matrix, but this may or may not give you much physical intuition for what's going on.