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Vue backgroundImage not showing from local directory

I am trying to assign a background image to my lists items i v-for that will get data from objects like in code below. I have no problem when I am putting https of random img from web but I don't have img showing if I link to my local asset folder. Can you direct me where is the problem please.

My storage file:

    data() {
    return {
      portfolioListData: [
          id: 'id-1',
          date: '2018',
          title: 'Stitching Fairy',
          description: 'Web Design / Development',
          link: '',
          routLink: '/stitchinFiary',
          backgroundImg: {
            backgroundImage: 'url(./assets/StitchingFairyBackground.jpg)'
          id: 'id-1',
          date: '2018',
          title: 'Stitching Fairy',
          description: 'Web Design / Development',
          link: '~',
          routLink: '/stitchinFiary',
          backgroundImg: {
            backgroundImage: 'url('
  provide() {
    return {
      resources: this.portfolioListData

My element markup: strong text

    <div :style="backgroundImg" class="portfolio-element">
          <template v-slot:leftSide>
            <div class="left">
              <p>{{ date }} </p>
              <h3>{{ title }}</h3>
              <p>{{ description }}</p>
          <template v-slot:rightSide>
            <div class="right">

export default {
  props: ['date', 'title', 'description', 'backgroundImg']

<style lang="scss" scoped>
.portfolio-element {
  background-repeat: no-repeat;
  background-size: cover;
  height: 20rem;

List Element

        v-for="res in resources"

import PortfolioElement from './PortfolioElement.vue';
export default {
    inject: ['resources'],
    components: {


  • you can use require() for your local assets

    change this line:

    backgroundImage: 'url(./assets/StitchingFairyBackground.jpg)'

    to this:

    backgroundImage: `url(${require('./assets/StitchingFairyBackground.jpg')})`