I attempted a simple task during learning but I'm stuck and have some weird results. I have to write a simple method with 2 parameters 'x' and 'a'. Result of this method has to be sum of all xk/k! where k starts from 0 and goes to infinity, and 'a' is a parameter of accuracy.
But I have no idea why when I'm putting Console.Write inside of loop, numbers are acting crazy and I have this for x = 2 and x = 6
Also when I'm trying to put my code into method and use result there is nothing happening. I have another method for mathematical factorial to calculate k!.
decimal wynik = 0;
int x = 2;
int a = 6;
for (int k = 1; k > 0; k++)
if (Algorithms.Factorial(k) > 0)
wynik += Math.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(Math.Pow(x, k)) /
Algorithms.Factorial(k), a);
and Factorial
static public int Factorial(int n)
int wynik = 1;
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
wynik *= i;
return wynik;
Of course I want to end with method and returning results but for practicing I'm working in Main method Thanks a lot for help!
Factorial grows very fast, please, look
13! = 6227020800 > int.MaxValue
that's why returning int
in static public int Factorial(int n)
can well lead to integer overflow and strange results.
x ** k
grows fast as well (though not that fast as factorial does). Let these large numbers cancel one another:
double x = 2;
double tolerance = 0.00001;
double result = 1.0; // x**0 / 0! == 1 / 1 == 1
double term = 1.0;
for (int k = 1; term > tolerance; ++k) {
// given term = (x ** (k - 1)) / (k - 1)!
// we can compute next term as
term = term * x / k;
result += term;
// Let's have a look (in fact, you have Taylor serie for exp)
Console.WriteLine($"actual : {result} (+/- {tolerance:0.##############})";
Console.WriteLine($"expected : {Math.Exp(x)}"");
actual : 7.3890545668323435 (+/- 0.00001)
expected : 7.38905609893065