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Why does the filtering not work as expects in .rdl file?

The dataset defined in my .rdl file returns rows with the some special column. I need to display two tables based on this dataset. In first table i need to display the rows which have a null value in that special column. In second table below I want to display the rows which don't have a null values in that special column. For achieving this i'm using filter section of group properties for each table.

Here is the filter for table1:

IsNothing(Fields!Parent_F_registr_Pts.Value) = true

And here is the filter for table2:

IsNothing(Fields!Parent_F_registr_Pts.Value) = false

When i'm starting the report I see rows in the table1 but no rows in the table2. Why is it so and how should i fix the issue?


  • In the tablix filter set the following:

    Expression: =IsNothing(Fields!Parent_F_registr_Pts.Value)

    Expression Type: Boolean

    Operator: =

    Value: True for null values / False for not null values


    1. Conditional visibility on rows using your expression
    2. Instead of two seperate tablix, group using the expression