[Found several related articles but none had a resolution that fixed it for me.]
I'm trying to store user-selected options between sessions of running the program. All attempts to use Properties.Settings.Default.Save()
have no impact; changing a setting value is not persisted between sessions of the installed program. No exception is caught in the SettingsSave()
private void SettingsLoad()
private void SettingsSave()
MessageBox.Show("Values written successfully", "Saved");
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show(Utility.ParseException(ex), "EXCEPTION!");
public static void SettingsLoad(object main)
foreach (SettingsProperty setting in Properties.Settings.Default.Properties)
// Attempt to get a reference to the property and, if found, set its value
var prop = main.GetType().GetProperty(setting.Name);
if (prop != null)
prop.SetValue(main, setting.DefaultValue);
public static void SettingsSave(object main)
foreach (SettingsProperty setting in Properties.Settings.Default.Properties)
// Attempt to get a reference to the property and, if found, update its value
var prop = main.GetType().GetProperty(setting.Name);
if (prop != null)
setting.DefaultValue = prop.GetValue(main).ToString();
// This line has no impact; changes are not persisted
I find your code a bit confusing.
To read a property:
string val = Properties.Settings.Default.Property_Name;
To write a property:
Properties.Settings.Default.Property_Name = val;
To save all properties:
Property values will be restored next time you run the program.