names = [ "Rachael Green", "Goodfellow Ian", "Tedd Crock", "Mina Joseph"]
salaries = [10260 , 41571 , 71211 , 52141 , 35781]
people_salaries = []
for i , j in enumerate(names):
x = j + " $" + str(salaries[i])
The variable x is created here to create a temporary string that will be appended to a list. Enumerate will create a tuple with a number like an index paired with every item iterated (thst is why the loop expects 2 values (i,j)
. Then, the code will take the enumerate number and use it as an index for salaries.
I would recommend 1. creating a Dictionary with the names and salaries and 2. you don't need x for the code, just do people_salaries.append( j + '$' + str(salaries[i]))
Change the for loop instead of enumerate to for i in salaries
or simply with the dictionary method
for i in people_dict.keys()
and then append with
people_salaries.append(i + '$' + str(people_dict[i]))