I have a simple question, how does one always set the same path across a user base. For instance, I use getwd() to get my path: "C:/Users/Genetics/Documents". Can I set in my script, no matter who uses this to go to "C:/Users/Any User/Desktop"? I want to make this fluid, so I don't have correct this for each person.
ALWAYS_TO_DEKSTOP<- Some way to be flexible to Desktop across users and systems???
PathName <- paste(ALWAYS_TO_DEKSTOP,"BIDS/IDs.txt", sep="");
read.table(PathName, header=T);
You can use file.path(Sys.getenv("USERPROFILE")
to get the path to the users home directory. Then append the folder you want, e.g. Documents
so you get
[1] "C:\\Users\\my_username/Documents"
Notice the escaped backslashes on Windows. You can change that with normalizePath()
, see ?normalizePath
for reasons why you might want that.
normalizePath(path = file.path(Sys.getenv("USERPROFILE"),"Documents"), winslash = "/")
[1] "C:/Users/my_username/Documents"
There are other paths available in Sys.getenv()
, such as (on Windows)
ProgramData C:\ProgramData
ProgramFiles C:\Program Files
ProgramFiles(x86) C:\Program Files (x86)
RTOOLS40_HOME C:\rtools40