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Where to transform a result of WebService, in Repository or ViewModel?

I have an application architectured by: View -> ViewModel -> Repository -> Datasource.

My DataSource is consuming a webservice and then receiving a Soap object, which I want to transform to a custom Pojo object. So, by using RxJava I am calling the DataSource method by following this flow:




public Single<SoapObject> webserviceCall(String data) {
    return dataSource.webserviceCall(data);


public Single<SoapObject> webserviceCall(String data) {
    WSSoapDAO soapDAO = new WSSoapDAO("webserviceMethodName");
    soapDAO.addProperty("data", data);

and then I would like to know where should I transform the SoapObject received in the DataSource call, either in the Repository class, in the ViewModel class or in thee DataSource class itself?


  • In terms of your architecture I'd say the transformation should go to the repository. Let's call the entity that is to do the transformation Mapper. The mapper is supposed to transform a DTO object, SoapObject, to a model object, PojoObject.

    For example

    public interface Mapper {
        public PojoObject map(SoapObject dto)

    Now the presentation layer (View and ViewModel) knows nothing about DTO objects exposed by the Datasources.