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Destructing stack object vs deleting heap-allocated object of non-final class with virtual functions

Let's say you have a derived class with virtual functions and non-virtual destructor like:

class Base
    ~Base() {}

class Derived : public Base
    Derived() {}
    virtual void foo() {}

And let's say you create a heap-allocated object of a Derived class and delete it using delete keyword like:

int main()
    Derived *d = new Derived();
    delete d;

Compiling this code with -Wall -Wdelete-non-virtual-dtor -Werror flags will throw you an error which is totally fine because it might eventually cause UB. Demo here.

Obviously, calling a destructor of d object is what's causing the compiler error because following code has the same result (at least on CLANG, GCC has no problem with the following code):

int main()
    Derived d;

But if I create a simple object on stack, there is no compiler errors for both CLANG and GCC:

int main()
    Derived d;

We all know that Derived class' destructor is being called at the end of main function, but why there is no errors in such case?


  • When an object has automatic storage duration or is a member of a class, polymorphism need not be considered. In the code given, the lvalue d cannot reference a more-derived object. Therefore, calling Derived::~Derived is always correct and need not be warned about.