I had created a nuget package which includes .props and .targets in build folder.
Below is my .targets file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project DefaultTargets="Build"
<SDKInstallPath Condition=" '$(SDKInstallPath)' == ''">$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)\..\lib\net46</SDKInstallPath>
<SDKExtDir Condition=" '$(SDKExtDir)' == ''">$(SDKInstallPath)</SDKExtDir>
<UsingTask TaskName="ResolveReferences" AssemblyFile="$(SDKInstallPath)"/>
<MyExtension Include="$(MyExtension)" Condition=" '$(MyExtension)' != '' " ></MyExtension>
Name="Build" DependsOnTargets="$(BuildDependsOn)"
<Target Name="BeforeBuild" />
<Target Name="AfterBuild" />
<CreateProperty Condition=" '$(MyExtensionSearchPaths)' == '' " Value="
<Output TaskParameter="Value" PropertyName="MyExtensionSearchPaths" />
<Output TaskParameter="ResolvedMyReferences" ItemName="_AllResolvedMyExtensionPaths" />
I have installed nuget package in c# project. Nuget package is installed successfully. But when i tried to compile my c# project, a build error is thrown see below:
"C:\MySample\MySample.csproj" (Build target) (1) ->
(CoreBuild target) ->
C:\MySample\packages\Sample.4.8.31\build\Sample.targets(69,5): error MSB4062:
The "ResolveReferences" task could not be loaded from the assembly C:\MySample\packages\Sample.4.8.31\build\..\lib\net46.
Could not load file or assembly 'file:///C:\MySample\packages\Sample.4.8.31\lib\net46'
or one of its dependencies. Access is denied. Confirm that the <UsingTask> declaration
is correct, that the assembly and all its dependencies are available, and that the
task contains a public class that implements Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITask. [C:\MySample\MySample.csproj]
Build got failed In the below property
<Output TaskParameter="ResolvedMyReferences" ItemName="_AllResolvedMyExtensionPaths" />
Access is denied error is shown in the above error. Please suggest what had done wrong in the .targets file
The problem is that you did not import the assembly dll correctly.
Also, you should remove \
after MSBuildThisFileDirectory
, it already contains that.
Change this part:
<SDKInstallPath Condition=" '$(SDKInstallPath)' == ''">$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)..\lib\net46</SDKInstallPath>
<SDKExtDir Condition=" '$(SDKExtDir)' == ''">$(SDKInstallPath)</SDKExtDir>
<UsingTask TaskName="ResolveReferences" AssemblyFile="$(SDKInstallPath)\Sample.dll"/>
If the custom msbuild task ResolveReferences
is written under Sample.dll
, then you should add the assembly dll rather then assembly folder into AssemblyFile
Then, re-pack your nuget package into a new release version, uninstall the old version nuget package under the main project, delete all cache files under C:\Users\xxx\.nuget\packages
and delete the folder <solution_folder>\packages
, then reinstall the new release version of nuget package.