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BSD Sockets - How to use non-blocking sockets?

I am trying to use non-blocking TCP sockets. The problem is that they are still blocking. The code is below -

server code -

struct sockaddr name;
char buf[80];

void set_nonblock(int socket) {
    int flags;
    flags = fcntl(socket,F_GETFL,0);
    assert(flags != -1);
    fcntl(socket, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK);

int main(int agrc, char** argv) {

    int sock, new_sd, adrlen;   //sock is this socket, new_sd is connection socket

    name.sa_family = AF_UNIX;
    strcpy(name.sa_data, "");
    adrlen = strlen(name.sa_data) + sizeof(name.sa_family);

    //make socket
    sock = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0);

    if (sock < 0) {
        printf("\nBind error %m", errno);

    //unlink and bind
    if(bind (sock, &name, adrlen) < 0)
        printf("\nBind error %m", errno);

    if(listen(sock, 5) < 0)
        printf("\nListen error %m", errno);

    new_sd = accept(sock, &name, (socklen_t*)&adrlen);
    if( new_sd < 0) {
        cout<<"\nserver accept failure "<<errno;

    //set nonblock

    char* in = new char[80];
    std::string out = "Got it";
    int numSent;
    int numRead;

    while( !(in[0] == 'q' && in[1] == 'u' && in[2] == 'i' && in[3] == 't') ) {

        //clear in buffer
        for(int i=0;i<80;i++)
            in[i] = ' ';


        //if we typed something, send it
        if(strlen(out.c_str()) > 0) {
            numSent = send(new_sd, out.c_str(), strlen(out.c_str()), 0);
            cout<<"\n"<<numSent<<" bytes sent";

        numRead = recv(new_sd, in, 80, 0);
        if(numRead > 0)
            cout<<"\nData read from client - "<<in;

     }   //end while

     cout<<"\nExiting normally\n";
     return 0;

client code -

struct sockaddr name;

void set_nonblock(int socket) {
    int flags;
    flags = fcntl(socket,F_GETFL,0);
    assert(flags != -1);
    fcntl(socket, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK);

int main(int agrc, char** argv) {

    int sock, new_sd, adrlen;

    sock = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0);

    if (sock < 0) {
        printf("\nserver socket failure %m", errno);

    //stuff for server socket
    name.sa_family = AF_UNIX;
    strcpy(name.sa_data, "");
    adrlen = strlen(name.sa_data) + sizeof(name.sa_family);

    if(connect(sock, &name, adrlen) < 0) {
        printf("\nclient connection failure %m", errno);

    cout<<"\nSuccessful connection\n";

    //set nonblock

    std::string out;
    char* in = new char[80];
    int numRead;
    int numSent;

    while("quit")) {

        //clear in
        for(int i=0;i<80;i++)
            in[i] = '\0';

        numRead = recv(sock, in, 80, 0);

        if(numRead > 0)
            cout<<"\nData read from server - "<<in;


        //if we typed something, send it
        if(strlen(out.c_str())) {
            numSent = send(sock, out.c_str(), strlen(out.c_str()), 0);
            cout<<"\n"<<numSent<<" bytes sent";

    }   //end while

    cout<<"\nExiting normally\n";
    return 0;

Whenever I run it, the server still waits for me to send something before it will read and output what the client has sent. I want either the server or client to be able to send the message as soon as I type it, and have the other read and output the message at that time. I thought non-blocking sockets was the answer, but maybe I am just doing something wrong?

Also, I was using a file instead of my address as the sockaddr's data. If that is not how it should be properly used, feel free to say so (it worked how it worked previously with a file so I just kept it like that).

Any help is appreciated.


  • Whenever I run it, the server still waits for me to send something before it will read and output what the client has sent.

    Well, that is how you wrote it. You block on IO from stdin, and then and only then do you send/receive.


    Also, you are using a local socket (AF_UNIX) which creates a special file in your filesystem for interprocess communication - this is a different mechanism than IP, and is definitely not TCP as you indicate in your question. I suppose you could name the file, but that really doesn't make sense and implies confusion on your part, because that is an IP loopback address. You'll want to use AF_INET for IP.

    For an excellent starter guide on unix networking, I'd recommend

    If you want the display of messages received to be independant of your cin statements, either fork() off a seperate process to handle your network IO, or use a separate thread.

    You might be interested in select(). In my opinion non-blocking sockets are usually a hack, and proper usage of select() or poll() is generally much better design and more flexible (and more portable). try

    man select_tut

    for more information.