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How to install nvcc on macOS catalina 10.15.7 without GPU?

When run:

which nvcc

It says:

nvcc not found

And I did not found clear guide to install nvcc,on macOS catalina 10.15.7.

Because I am trying to run But on cammand:

make -j16 && make pycaffe:

From here:

enter image description here

It gives this error: enter image description here

Thats why i do need nvcc installation.

Any assistance you can provide would be greatly appreciated!


  • Since CUDA 11.0, macOS is not a supported environment for CUDA.

    The last supported environment was based on CUDA 10.2 (see here) and a macOS version of 10.13.x

    There has never been a supported nvcc install, CUDA install, or CUDA version for macOS 10.15.x

    If you don't have a CUDA-capable GPU in your mac, it's not clear why you would want to install nvcc or CUDA. They could possibly be used to build code, but that code wouldn't be runnable on that machine.

    If you do have a CUDA capable GPU in your mac, you would want to follow the above linked instructions carefully, noting carefully the machine requirements, such as supported macOS version. CUDA 10.2 would be the latest/last version of CUDA you could install on that mac.