I am unable to find the Time Complexity and Space Complexity of the code to check valid parenthesis. Can anyone help, please?
code -
bool isValid(string s)
int s_size = s.length();
for (int i = 0; i < s_size-1;i++)
if((s[i]=='(' && s[i+1]==')') || (s[i]=='[' && s[i+1]==']')|| (s[i]=='{' && s[i+1]=='}'))
s.erase(i, 2);
return true;
return false;
I think the space complexity is O(1) and the time complexity is O(n). Correct me please, if I am wrong.
For just the code snippet you posted above, the time complexity is O(n3).
As rightly pointed out by n. 'pronouns' m., the outer for loop for (int i = 0; i < s_size-1;i++)
runs n2 times because i
resets to the starting point every time a match is found. And the s.erase()
function also takes O(n) time to run. In total making up for a cubic O(n3) time complexity.
You can read up on std::string.erase()
function here
You are right about space complexity. Its O(1).
To solve the above problem of Valid Parenthesis efficiently i.e., within O(n) time complexity and O(n) space complexity, consider using a stack.