So I have this piece of code, but I can't know how many arguments the function will take before I actually use it
function insert(...args) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// ↓↓↓ - here is the problem
db.query('INSERT INTO `?` VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?);', args, (err, rows) => {
return err ? reject(err) : resolve(rows);
Is it possible to modify this function so it will allow me to insert as many arguments as I need?
The simplest solution would probably be, using args.length
to generate the appropriate number of ?
function insert(...args) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let qm = Array(args.length-1).fill('?', 0).join(',');
let query = `INSERT INTO \`?\` VALUES(${qm});`
db.query(query, args, (err, rows) => {
return err ? reject(err) : resolve(rows);
But you should probably stick to Wiktor Zychla's suggestion, and don't try to write your own query generator. Especially -- no offense -- if you need to ask questions on that level ...